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Raeon HD 6970 공개된 정보 전부 FAKE!!

Taken on beyond3D forums ..

So this guy explain about the leaked slides :

its one way to leak information without getting punish..

ASUS this time really piss nVidia off a lot, they leak out GTX 580 way too early than it should be, that is why you don't see much ASUS GTX 580 in market, or almost none exist when launch.

probably because what ASUS did, AMD is holding back really hard..
They haven't give out a working driver until recently, even though there are couple sample out there couple weeks ago, but doesn't work correctly or run correctly without crashing. That is why you didn't see any information until now.

The funny thing right now is AMD is sending out wrong PDF to the reviewers, and couple 6970 that is crippled SP running.

They really trying to hide stuff this time...

PS: Magickarp is the one who told me all these and left with happy face. Don't ask for more information, this is all I can tell for now, everything should be lift soon since NDA is ending very soon...

So well where's the truth... untill the end of NDA and launch i believe we are about to speculate blindless.

beyond3d forum의 maagickarp에게서 나온 글이라고 합니다


AMD에서 틀린 PDF를 리뷰어들에게 보내고 SP가 망가진 6970을 보냈다고 하네요, 공개(보급)된 드라이버들도 충돌없이 재대로 진행되지 않느다고 하네요. 이것이 아직 정확한 정보가 공개되지 않은 이유라고 합니다.


Magickarp는 웃는얼굴로 더이상의 정보는 원하지 말라고 하며 NDA가 해제 될때까지 기다리라고 하네요~


음.....정말 지금까지 공개된 모든 것이 '거짓' 이라는 건가요-_?


그렇다면 진심으로 HD 6970이 GTX580을 30%정도 뛰어넘어 버리는 걸까요?


AMD의 방해공작(?)이 이번에는 정말 지금까지와는 차원이 다른가 봅니다 ㅠㅠ

출처 http://www.chiphell.com/thread-146899-1-1.html

추천댓글은 블로거에게 큰 힘이 됩니다^^
그냥 손가락을 누르시면 되요^^&